Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 44: Insanity Challenge- Month 2

If you had asked me 44 days ago if I would be able to execute some of the exercises that Shaun T has been asking me to do in Insanity I would probably have laughed. I would have had a hearty chuckle, said "Really?" in the fashion that I am accustomed to, and done some 30 Day Shred.

Because 44 days ago I thought Jillian Michaels was the toughest trainer out there. Apparently there are many trainers that wear that moniker!

This pushing of my body, this intensity that I am working out at, this willingness to say "Yes!" and not "Really?" has opened up my eyes and I am having some major epiphanies.

Back in the old days, in my single lady days, I used to go to all sorts of classes and I would run and boot camp and pole dance- I would get totally inspired and motivated by fitness because it was a great distractor and occupier of time. When I was single, I would get super fit.

Then I meet someone, get cozy, and I gain some weight. Not a lot, but enough where I was like, "Huh?", and ponder why I wasn't where I used to be.

With moving in with my boyfriend this past June, I realized I had adopted that same mentality. I didn't want to work out in front of him because what if he thought I looked silly? Or he found out that I sweat? I quickly got over that because I like working out and had to get over this sudden shyness. I started working out again, I started this blog, I started the studying for my ACE certification, I started my Twitter account. I met all my blog friends and forum friends; People that encouraged me to get accountable. I felt I needed to push myself to be an example for those folks, to show them what was possible.

Through the Celebrate Weight Loss challenges, I started to push the limits to what I thought that I could do. Then I started watching all the infomercials for Insanity and I thought maybe that was the challenge that I needed to get the scale moving.

And I was right. The intenSati Warrior Challenge got me into the positive frame of mind to do this hard work, and Shaun T keeps telling me to dig deeper and really push myself beyond the boundaries that I have set for myself.

That is when the light bulb went off. I didn't lose weight because I was single! I lost weight because I pushed myself harder than I used to. When I pushed myself, I got the results that I wanted. Now I am seeing the results that I want in the mirror. My body feels strong, graceful, and powerful. I now know that this is the level that I need to be working out at, and I have already started to plan my workout regime for after the Insanity plan is over based on the structure of these workouts.

With careful planning and renewed dedication, I know that I can keep it up and not back track. I have even found a couple of bikinis- BIKINIS!- that I want to purchase and really wear in public. I am onto week 2 of the second month! Exhausted, but insane.


  1. I love epiphanies almost as much as I love an insane workout. ;)

    I gotta get around to doing 30 Day Shred one of these days...

  2. Woohoo! I used to think that I lost weight easier when I was single too - but it was mostly the same thing. Not feeling silly, but when someone else is home and relaxing and indulging in yummy junk food, it's hard to take the high road. Congrats on progress and epiphanies! :)
