Monday, October 26, 2009

30 Day Shred Challenge: Day 6

I'm not going to lie- today was really hard for me. I didn't sleep well, and I was going to use that as an excuse not to push myself as hard as I normally do.

Somehow, hearing Jillian's words motivated me to "Nut Up or Shut Up" and I pushed through my workouts. And I'm glad that I did it because now I feel really good.

I did Level 1 of the Shred, using only 5 pounders because I was doing another Jillian based workout with weights and didn't want to die. I did another from the Biggest Winner series, this time the Shape Up-Backside DVD. Weighted Jumping Jacks and Butt Kicks? JEEZ LOUISE, Jillian.

Day 6 is Shredded! Now I am motivated to work on my ACE certification studies and all that other jazz.

OH! And don't forget to live tweet with FOSTER FITNESS and friends during Tuesdays Biggest Loser!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great workout! Get some sleep tonight though!
