Monday, July 26, 2010

Dance Your A** Off- season 2/episode 7- "Princess on top, prostitute on the bottom."

AKA- Ballroom dancing. On every dance reality show this day comes. Some competitors shine. Some are stinky. All we know is that Michael wants to beat Latoya in a major way, Stephanie doesn't mind being pelvis to pelvis with her partner Oskar, and Erica got a troubling hand written note from her husband about his health and now she is homesick.

But enough about that. LET'S DANCE!

Michael says he is going to be like a "stealth bomber" and wins this week show!

Michael: From 242.6 lbs to 235.9 lbs- 6.7 lbs lost + dance score = 10.8

Corey: From 284.7 lbs to 276.9 lbs- 7.8 lbs lost + dance score = 10.7

Latoya: From 190.9 lbs to 187.7 lbs- 3.2 lbs lost + dance score = 10.7

Adamme: From 254.7 lbs to 249.7 lbs- 5.0 lbs lost + dance score = 10.3

Stephanie: From 176.5 lbs to 174.8 lbs- 1.7 lbs lost + dance score = 9.3

Katie: From 190.3 lbs to 184.3 lbs- 6 lbs lost + dance score = 9.2

Erica: From 207.6 lbs to 203.8 lbs- 3.8 lbs lost + dance score = 8.5

Erica is heading home five pants size smaller- losing a total of 28.9 lbs! I will miss her and her Staten Island flava.

Next episode: difficult tricks. Who will be turning them?

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