Monday, May 24, 2010

Nose to the Grind. . .

Happy Monday, y'all! What a week and it has only just begun. . .

My parents came to visit last week, throwing my usual "Rain Man" like discipline right into the toilet. How can I sit in my apartment and write when there is a whole city out there to explore!? Plus, I absolutely adore my parents and wanted to spend as much time with them as humanly possible.

I'm sorry I didn't make more time for you all too but I still have my day job to attend to as well and blah blah blah. In short, I missed you. I MISSED YOU ALL!

But it's going to be a great week! Tonight I am trying out a boot camp style boxing class courtesy of VFitness in Central Park (detailed blog forthcoming) and we have the SEASON FINALE of The Biggest Loser tomorrow night! That is always so much fun.

Keep checking in with me because I have a lot in store!

1 comment:

  1. I love your tweets during the biggest loser but this week I won't be able to pay attention because I can't watch! So sad. I'm going to have to wait a day.
