Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Money Hungry- THE FINALE!!!- "This is for all the marbles."

After 10 "weeks" of fierce competition, we have made it to the season finale of Money Hungry.  It is between Mission Slimpossible, Grading Curves, and The Regulators to take home the $100,000 grand prize. 

So how are they gonna get there?

Every group is tired and exhausted.  Mark from Slimpossible is seeing spots, Po and David feel like they have been through "three college football games in a row", and Grading Curves is hoping to use their pain for their own gain.  It is time for the final challenge!

"House Blend" star Dan Cortese greets the contestants and promises the final challenge will be the toughest one yet.  The contestants must ride big tricycles, pick up big puzzle pieces, put the puzzle together, take the number that is on the puzzle, run one mile down the road, open a box with the number combination, take out the contents of the box, and then run back the mile across the finish line.  The winner will become the Big Heavies, win their $10,000 back, and secure their place in the final weigh in.  The losers will have to compete in a secondary weigh off  to see who will compete against the Big Heavies.  Sounds easy.

The teams start out strong, but it hits a rough patch when Tricia from Grading Curves hits a nasty curve with her bike.

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Doesn't she kinda sound like that lady who smashed her face while she was grape stomping?

Trust me, it hurts me more to watch it than you think.

Despite the injury, the other teams must continue the race.  And what is inside those locked containers?

Mission Slimpossible takes the win, gets their $10,000, and readies themselves for the finale.  The Regulators head to the gym.  Missy works out alone and waits for Tricia to come back from the hospital.  What happened to Tricia?  "Prognosis:  I'm screwed."  She cracked the top of her tibia.  Ouch.  But being injured severely doesn't stop her from coaching Missy and trying to work out while she is in her wheelchair.

At the pre weigh in weigh off, does Curves muster enough to beat the mighty Regulators?

Grading Curves:  From 433 lbs to 429 lbs- 4 lbs lost- .93% BW

The Regulators:  From 718 lbs to 707 lbs- 11 lbs lost- 1.53% BW

So the final girls team says goodbye and hobbles away, but not before Mission Slimpossible gives them their check for $10,000.  Which was already made out to The Grading Curves.  What?  What makes me think that this was a producers decision?  Dan tells the final two teams they have seven days before their final weigh in, but Slimpossible will need to weigh in first.

Mission Slimpossible:  From 422 lbs to 427 lbs- 5 lbs gained- +1.18% BW  MORE GAME PLAY!

From day 1, Slimpossible has lost 15.94% and the Regulators have lost 16.82%.  It looks like the Regulators have a slight lead.  Will they be able to turn it out?

The teams go into fierce battle with each other, dragging their mattresses into the gym to sleep, running in fields and mountains, splitting logs, and chasing chickens.  You know, the usual.  It is then time for the ultimate weigh off.  Joe calls it "a combo of Super Bowl Sunday and New Year's Eve".  Joining them are their families and their even cuter children, who say adorbs things like, "Mom, stop crying.  It's live television!" (Mark Jr.).  The teams come out for the reveal, well dressed and clean shaven.  You can actually see some weight loss going on!

And now for the drum roll, please. . .

The Regulators:  From 850 lbs to 692 lbs- 158 lbs lost- 18.59% BW
Po lost 70 pounds and Dave lost 88 pounds.

Mission Slimpossible:  From 508 lbs to 406 lbs- 102 lbs lost- 20.07% BW
Joe lost 46 pounds and Mark lost 56 pounds.

Mission Slimpossible wins!  Maybe they took the money and gambled it, but I do know that they opened a new bar in Staten Island called The Fat Boys Lounge.  Any indicator they gained it all back?  Now I gotta meet their star bar tender, Chrissy Shakers!

Congrats to the teams for getting healthier, too.  And read on for my EXCLUSIVE 5 Questions with Flabulous Phillip!!!

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